A Railroad Is Not Just A Rail And A Road
Just concluded a visit from his eminence, Guinea's interim Prime Minister Jean Marie Dore.
Here is the story in the Observer:
We are pleased about the good relations and the discussions. But people let's think about this...
To move four billion tons of high-grade iron ore through Liberia is no small thing. The proposed railroad option is what cooks this soup! All other options for Guinea are far, far inferior.
As we have been saying for years Liberia needs to wake up to the economic development opportunities. GROWTH WITHOUT DEVELOPMENT should never happen again. From the top of Mount Nimba to the Port of Buchanan will be a fantastic number of chances to taste this soup. A Railroad is not just a Railroad. It requires a long term commitment for operation and maintenance. That means support for bridges, rails, roads, and equipment. This will be jobs, housing, schools and infrastructure development.
Are the people of Nimba and Bassa going to be left with dry rice toped with the red dust of Guinea or are we going to enjoy the soup!
Labels: "Extractive Industries", BHP Billiton, infrastructure, investment, Mittal Steel, Sustainable Development, sustainable land management, Transparency "Extractive Industries"