Saturday, September 05, 2009

Congo Town lagoon - Olive Ridley Turtle

Olive Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea)
[stock photo Greenpeace]

EPA and Save My Future teamed up to save a 70 puonder at the Congo Town lagoon.

Mr. Nyenkan, EPA’s Acting Executive Director, said a recent survey conducted by Save My Future Foundation showed that five of the world’s six species of turtles are found in Liberia.

The Acting EPA boss the turtle was caught by some fishermen in a Green Fishing Net and brought to shore.

This is the second time that a sea turtle is redeemed and repatriated to its natural habitat by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Job well done. And children if you find turtle eggs leave them to grow up.



  1. I'm very interested to read that Liberia has such a variety of sea turtles nesting on our beaches. Are there community efforts that protect the turtle's breeding grounds?

    At Robertsport Community Works, we'd be interested in replicating or piloting a program.

  2. Kathleen Flower2:49 AM

    Well done! Can you please explain what a "Green Fishing Net" is? Are you referring only to the color, or are there special features that make it safer for by-catch such as turtles? I'd be interested to know whether any groups (SAMFU?) are promoting eco-friendlier fishing gear in the Monrovia area. Thanks!
